Tamariz-DaOrtiz MasterClass - Gkaps
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Gkaps | Tamariz-DaOrtiz MasterCla...
Con material completamente nuevo.
Dani Daortiz y Juan Tamariz han preparado nada más y nada menos que 6 MasterClass, de aproximadamente hora y media de duración, en la que, en diferentes días, explicarán material nuevo y exclusivo.

Seis Masterclass grabadas para la ocasión en casa de Dani y Juan, con público real, en directo y exclusivamente diseñada para ti.
A message from Dani
In these three new MasterClasses, Dani will introduce a new and exclusively psychological and technical material. He will tell us about new concepts that will make your magic and the experience of the audience grow, with content many tricks and techniques.

Fuertes Semiautomaticos (nuevos)

Semiautomatic Weapons. A new arsenal of semi-automatic tricks and techniques. In this album, we will find the effects: Daniel San (routine of 3), Thought Ambitious 2020, The Aura, Business card ACAAN and Impossible Green.

- Clic here for watch video demo:Thought Ambitious 2020

Todo bajo control

UNDER CONTROL. A Live that covers the subject -Controls- from different points of view. In this LIVE, find the effects: Thought Spelling 2020, Double trip to pocket, Concordance to value, Chaotic FEM and Triple 4.

A la Carta

A la Carte. A special Live held live and with an open agenda, to answer the attendees who asked under video calls. In this Live, different psychological aspects are discussed and the Daortinian versions of the tricks are exposed: Triumph Man on New York and La Única.

MasterClass filmed in Spanish and English
Inmediatly Access after the purchase.
Dani DaOrtiz will broadcast the MasterClass live in English and Spanish.
A message from Juan
Juan Tamariz
Juan Tamariz has decided to create three very special Master classes. Years of experience summarized in approximately 6 hours. Mclass theory and practice with material never before explained.

Verbal magic.
Magic through the voice without feedback from the spectators who become Magicians themselves! Adaptation to face-to-face situation of magicians and spectators. Tricks and latest news in this field.Psychology of this incredible and current branch of magic.

The five points in magic... and more!!!
New ideas, new subtleties and new details for the use of the magician’s eyes, voice, hands, body and feet to enhance Magic and his personal and artistic communication. Powerful new applications for Close Up and Stage effects.

Magic and Comedy.
Theory and technique for how to combine laughter and amazement and get mystery and humor to enhance both and to mix perfectly without detracting from magic.Examples, Gags and prodigious and miraculous tricks. New effects full of joy, laughter, smile, comedy, humor, and Magic, Magic, Magic !

Inmediatly Access after the purchase. Masterclass English lenguaje and subtitles in Spanish
Aprende, Interactua, sorpréndente
Material exclusivo grabado con espectadores reales.

Acceso Inmediato.
Dani Daortiz + Juan Tamariz
You will have access to Juan's 3 MasterClass and Dani's 6 Mclass (3 in English and 3 in Spanish).
Juan Tamariz
Streaming Event
Dani Daortiz
Streaming Event
You will have access to Dani's 6 Mclass (3 in English and 3 in Spanish).